Revelation's Foresight of the Papacy of ROME
The 2nd BEAST of Revelation Chapter 13 is later named [in Chapters 16, 19 & 20] as the False Prophet. The Apostle John made clear and careful differentiation between both BEASTS. Specifically, to describe the 1st BEAST he only used the terms 'beast with 10 horns and 7 heads' or just the term 'the BEAST'. This is because it only appeared in the vison as a monstrous 'live' creature symbolic of numerous things including history's kingdoms.
However, regarding the 2nd BEAST, John later exchanged the symbolic term ['beast'] by clarifying him to actually be a 'False Prophet', an actual man. After the vision, John keenly understood that 1 man [False Prophet] and 1 kingdom [1st BEAST with 10 horns and 7 heads] would arise together with the same origin [ROME] and with the same nature, as BEASTS.
Also, John recognized that the False Prophet he saw in the vision was one-and-the-same as the 'antichrist' which he had previously written about just 5 years before [90AD] in his letters to the first century believers. After his vision, both terms ['antichrist' and False Prophet] were synonomous to the Apostle and obviously identified the exact same man. John did not use the term 'antichrist' in Revelation.
Today and without question, the past 20 centuries of history solidly confirm that Revelation's foresight of the False Prophet depicted the Papacy of ROME which was concocted in the 3rd and 4th centuries.
No other religious figure in the last 2000 years can even be considered to the Papacy's precise matching of the foretold profile of the False Prophet.
The following KEY SCRIPTURAL POINTS listed are specific profile traits and foretold actions of the False Prophet of Revelation. Their exact correlation and fulfillment [or imminent fulfillment] by the Papacy of ROME are overwhelmingly confirmed with the noted links of Headline News, historic facts and documents.
These crucial insights will bring understanding to both believers and unbelievers of the perilous times ahead in history's closing hours as well as bring clarity to antichrist's identity, his presence on the world's stage today and his nearness to fulfilling his End Time role as the False Prophet.
The False Prophet [confirmed in the Papacy of Rome] :
Will arise specifically from ROME, linked to the Roman Empire's Titus who destroyed Jerusalem's last standing Temple in 70AD. [Dan.9:26]. [Next Chapter 4 identifies this with links to history]
Will have the same origin [ROME] and beastly nature of the first century's Roman Emperor 'Caesar Nero' whose number is '666'.
Will masquerade to the world as the greatest 'Christian' man of sacrifice [as the true 'Lamb'] 'having two horns like a lamb'. [Rev.13:11]. [ News Links / False Prophet ]
Will be the world's greatest and most highly exalted religious 'Christian' Impostor through two thousand years up to the End Times. Named as the False Prophet. [Rev.16:13; 19:20; 20:10].
Will be a 'beastly religious' icon created by man's own invention ['coming up out of the earth'] and then expanding his beastly nature through the centuries ultimately as a modern-day 'Caesar' in the End Times only immeasurably more evil. [Rev.13:11; 18]. [Next Chapter 4 elaborates in depth on Papal history]
Will be the greatest 'deceiver' ever. [Rev.13:14]. Will operate in 'all the deception of wickedness' possible by one human being. [2 Thess.2:8-10]. [News] [Other Facts about the Papacy]
Will 'speak as a dragon'. [Rev.13:11]. His skill in double-tongued Religious speech will fool many, even true Christians if possible, by speaking the truth [even about Jesus and the Bible] and total lies which directly oppose the Bible at the same time. [Rev.13:11].
[Vatican Council / *expounded on in Chapter 5]
Will arise from within western Europe's kingdom, a revived first century Roman Empire of the End Times.
[Dan.7: 7, 8 & 24; Rev.17:8-10]. [Chapters 1 & 4 expound]
Will 'seize the kingdom by intrigue' showing his world-class skill as a political leader to take over the helm of the final Euro-kingdom as a 'religious' leader versus a 'political' one.
10] Will have gained worldwide acclaim in the End Times as the world's greatest Religious Icon, in fact greatest world leader, ever on the world's stage. Able to 'cause all' of the people on earth to obey his demands. [Rev.13:14-17]. [News]
11] Will appear as the world's great righteous icon in the End Times as a 'conquering rider on a white horse' at the beginning of the 7 Year Tribulation period. [Rev.6:2] [Chapter 4 / News]
Will have befriended Israel, all of the world and its world leaders in order to 'make a firm covenant with the many' in a 7 Year Treaty of Mideast Peace in the End Times. This is the next major event to occur in this generation and will trigger the final Tribulation period. [Dan. 9:27]. [News]
Will be the sole mediator with Israel concerning Mideast Peace. [Dan. 9:27]. [Benedict- Mideast Peace News]
Will be a despicable person showing his corrupt and abominable nature and behavior 'arising' through the centuries to the End Times. [Dan.11:21]. [Chapter 4 expounds / Vatican Council]
Will 'exalt himself' above all others in the world, eventually displaying himself as being God at the mid-point of Tribulation. [2 Thess.2:4]. [Vatican Council / News]
Will enter into the newly-built Jerusalem Temple at the mid-point of Tribulation and 'take his seat' inside the Temple, displaying himself as God; named as the abomination of desolation. [2 Thess.2:4; Rev. 11:1,2; Dan. 9:27]. [News]
Will direct the world's people at mid-point of the Tribulation to erect a statue of himself showing the EU-Kingdom leaders the world's allegiance to him, the False Prophet. [Rev.13:14].
Will gain control over all people on earth enabling him to force 'all' on earth to receive the 'mark of the beast' in order to 'buy or sell' under the guise of an economic solution to the world's worsening starvation problems. [Rev.13:15-17]. Those who refuse the 'mark' are beheaded. [Rev.20:4]. [News]
Recognition of antichrist over the centuries
As mentioned in Chapter 2 ['Antichrist'] , although today's populace sits blindly to antichrist's true profile and his presence today, most believers in each of the first 18 centuries [from Revelation's writing in 95AD through the mid-1800's] were keenly aware of his profile. This a matter of simple research of history as shown in the next Chapter 4.
Later in the early 1500's after the Papacy of Rome had already been created and established its horrendous 1300 year track record of persecutions, corruption, immoralities and killings is when Reformers began disassociating themselves with the dominating Popes of Rome, boldly and publicly naming them as 'antichrist'.
Some of the more recognizable Christians through the centuries who pronounced the Papacy as 'antichrist' were: Sir Isaac Newton, John Wesley, John Calvin, D. L. Moody, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, George Fox, Charles Finney, Martin Luther, John Knox, Rev. Roger Williams and Charles Spurgeon. [*More of History's Identifiers of the Papacy as antichrist]
Greatest Religious Deceiver in history
Revelation makes it obvious that the False Prophet's mimmickry in appearing as a true 'Christian' would be unparalleled in world history. Today, the Papacy of Rome emphatically fuflifllls John's vision as being second to no other leader in history [religious or political] in having unmatched world status, global acceptance and the ability to deceive over 6 billion people into viewing him as a religiously charismatic 'Christian' icon.
Since 95AD, history has been streamlining towards this 1 man who is now in his foreordained place to fulfill his End Time role. Today, the Papacy boasts of an unprecedented 1 billion religious followers who exalt the Pontiff as their 'Holy Father.' Only the Papacy can also boast of additional favor and respect from the other five-sixths of the world's unsuspecting people. Even in America today and amongst the body of Christ and its most trusted leaders is a general inclination of acceptance of the Papacy as virtually no public mention of his Biblicial profile or End Time role can be heard at all.
Ironically, if any estute believer or even a novice student of the Bible were asked today if there is any Biblical validity to the concept of the Papacy [the Popes], then most would immediately acknowledge that no mention whatsoever of a 'Pope' or 'Supreme Leader' of Christians is made or even remotely suggested.
But, all of this proves again what the vision on Patmos in Greece spotlighted in 95AD showing that Satan's greatest and last effort through the centuries right up until the End Times would be a strategic 'religious' ploy. In fact, the greatest religious scam ever.
Namely, to cloak himself in a religious facade which appears 'like a lamb' ['Christian'] to the unsuspecting and Biblically uninformed world and with his most evil intent of fooling as many persons worldwide as he can, even the elect if possible, in order to take them into the very darkness of torment and eternal separation from God where he himself is doomed for eternity. [Math.24:24].
Today, over 6 billion persons on earth are unknowingly witnessing the devil's 'friendliest face' ever possible displayed in his final and best 'religious' product in history. Literally, the foretold False Prophet can be observed today parading his religious folly, empty religious pomp and his masterfully deceptive false 'Christianity' in plain view globally in these End Times while receiving the world's accolades.
Now, after almost 2000 years of being groomed by the evil one, the Pope of Rome alone is the highest exalted 'Christian' icon on earth today. His false religious nature and self-adornment is proven loudly in his outward and arrogant behavior as one who: wears flamboyant decorative costumes signifying his religious world supremacy, accepts people globally to kiss his golden -ringed hand and bow and kneel to him, allows himself to be paraded worldwide in a gleaming show-car to receive the adornment and even worship of countries he visits, lives lavishly in an extravagant palace, wears his own self-styed 'crown' and sits on his own exotically customized gold- trimmed throne while exalting himself as the 'infallible' and 'Supreme' authority and ruler on earth. The Bible, however, labels him as the False Prophet. 'Antichrist' as the Apostle John also cited. [Vatican Council / False Prophet fulfilling Major prophecies in Today's News].
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