China is identified in the book of Revelation as "the kings from the east" [Rev.16:12], being east of the Holy Land, Israel.
Although China is the prime military force "from the east" in the End Times, Korea & Japan conceivably could be included as a part of these "kings".
Scriptures predict that after the 7 year Tribulation period has already begun & has progressed into the Great Tribu- lation (the last 3 1/2 years) then the "kings from the east" will begin their trek (militarily) towards the Holy Land, Israel.
The "Kings from the east" : China
China & the world's armies....gathered in the Valley of Megiddo in the Mideast [Rev.16:14,16]
As the Great Tribulation period heads towards the end of its 3 1/2 year nightmare at the hands of "antichrist", then "the kings of the whole world" & their armies (Rev.16:14) [including China] will have gathered together in Armageddon (Rev.16:16) in the Mideast. [ see graph below ].
The world's armies' (Rev.19:19) ultimate purpose in their uniting together in the Mideast will be "to make war against Him (Jesus) who sat upon the horse, & against His army". (Rev.19:19). This final "war" (Rev.16:14,16) of Armaged- don literally takes place on the final day of the 7 year Tribulation period as Christ Himself returns. (Rev.19:11,19).
China & the "beast" (Euro-kingdom of antichrist) & "the kings of the earth & their armies" (Rev.19:19) will be com- pletely destroyed in a moment's time by the overwhelming & divine appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rev.19:19- Rev.20:3).
Right now, China is in its place prophetically. The book of Revelation clearly stipulates that in order for China to make its way towards the "place of Armaggedon" (Rev.16:16) in the End Times, then the "great river, the Euphrates & its water must be dried up". (Rev.16:12).
This awesome soon-coming event will occur so "that the way might be prepared for the kings of the east" (China) to move their military personnel westward through the Mid- east terrain & into the Holy Land. (Rev.16:12).
Incredibly today, the Euphrates River is literally now able to be completely "dried up" as predicted for the End Times. This is because of the $32 billion Anatolia Dam Project in southeastern Turkey which began in the late 1980's & is projected to be completed by 2010. [see below]
Any 1 of the 22 dams already being built have the capability of literally "drying up" the Euphrates River & allowing China to cross into "Armaggedon", as the Bible predicts for the End Times.
The End Time stage is set TODAY...
Map / Euphrates River & the water flow through the Mideast /
Southeastern Anatolia Project
News / Dec. 2000
[International Conflict & the potential "water-war" in the Mideast]
Euphrates River dries up
[ Rev.16:12 ]
Return of Christ / War of Armageddon
[Rev.19:11, 19]
China's military gathers for Armaggedon, in Israel. [ Rev.16:14,16 ]
<=== 7 year Tribulation Period ===>
China's military will trek west through the dried up Euphrates River, to the Valley of Megiddo ( o ) in the Mideast.
Prophecy in the News,
ready for fulfillment
Iraq's Euphrates River Dries Up ----
[ "....because of upstream Dams in Syria and Turkey." ]
Iraq Suffers as Euphrates River Dwindles
[ "......the Book of Revelation prophesies its drying up as
a Sign of the End Times...." ]
Dec 22, 2011
new Dictator >
Kim Jong Un
(son of Kim Jong IL)
N. Korea positions Missile Launchers on Coast, U.S. Defense Secretary Hagel says "close to dangerous line"