doctrines of demons
The Apostle Paul forewarned that in the Last Generation in the End Time 'many will fall away from the faith, paying attention to de- ceitful spirits & doctrines of demons.' [1 Tim. 4:1]. Today, this is the exact scenario taking place within the true & unsuspecting body of Christ, even in the United States. ( Links below )
Today's so-called 'Christian' Leaders & ministers in America have freely allowed many 'deceptive' persons [ie. deceitful spirits] to take the forefront of 'Christian' TV networks & churches & hold themselves up as true 'Christian' ministers. These religious phonies have brought with them many 'doctrines of demons' which clearly oppose true & clear Biblical principles & even mock Christ.
Primarily, this has developed in fulfillment of scriptures which foretell its occurance in the End Times. However, the true body of Christ [& most true Christian Leaders in America] have bought it 'hook, line & sinker' from a lack of knowledge of God's Word plus a lack of spiritual discernment. This has unecessarily opened the 'door' even more over the last 20 years in America creating more 'false prophets', deceitful spirits [false ministers] and 'doctrines of demons in the House of God than there should be.
End Time fulfillment of Bible prophecy....
Without question, the greatest example TODAY of 'doctrines of demons' which have successfully infiltrated the body of Christ in America is the Roman Catholic's man-made false traditions which totally oppose the Bible. So far, Christian leaders & the overall American populace are naive, even blind, to the widespread evil doctrines of the Catholic Church. In fact, this scenario is world- wide in scope today in clear fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.
Several prime examples of dozens of phony, anti-Biblical doctrines created by the Papacy of Rome which can be observed daily on the religious TV airwaves TODAY are:
the ultimate Primacy & infallability of the Pope
the Pope as the ultimate authority on earth, subject to no one
[even seated on his own throne]
the Pope is the father, teacher & ultimate interpreter on earth of ALL scriptures & morality
the satanic ritual of the Eucharist, believing the communion bread & grapejuice is miraculously 'changed' [the doctrine of 'transubstan- tiation'] into the literal 'physical body & blood of Jesus' as the Pope & all Catholic priests perform the ritual. This abom- inable act would clearly be 'cannabilzing' Jesus Himself.
praying to dead people ['saints'] who have been dead for hundreds of years, believing for a divine miracle to occur from that dead one.
the Roman Papacy's anti-christ belief & ritual of determining one's eternal destiny after that person [even babies] has already died, being beatified & canonized as a 'saint' by the Pope himself.
These anti-christ doctrines plus dozens of others are all found in the historic records of Vatican Council [in 1870] & confirmed in Vatican II in 1965. Today, not only do a billion unsuspecting Catholics participate in these 'doctrines of demons' but the true body of Christ is also naively welcoming these doctrines into the sheepfold of Christ's true church. Daily, Catholic priests can be seen on various Christian TV programming freely carrying out the Eucharist & promoting the 'doctrines of demons' of the Roman Catholic teachings & Canon law.
Exactly as the Apostle Paul & other New Testament writers fore- warned for these End Times, today's true Christian believers & ministers are 'paying attention to doctrines of demons' which are being freely welcomed & promoted within the House of God.