"Only 1/2 way through it was like putting on a pair of 3D-movie glasses. Within 10 minutes of reading my eyes were so opened I knew I was staring into the eyes of the antichrist himself..." J.L. / Illinois
"The End Time events are so clear to me now......I've always questioned some of Hal Lindsey's teach- ings particularly on antichrist and the rapture based on my studies in the Word. My views have been confirmed and I have greater understanding now from reading this book....." D.G. / Michigan
".......Wow!! How much clearer could it be?......the truth of it is overwhelming...." B.W. / California
"I've been a Christian for a long time and have lost interest in Bible prophecy over the years. "Here is Wisdom" has completely turned me around and provided clear understanding about some things I had not understood prophetically. Thank you for the insights. I've got a new charge in me now for the Lord and my walk in Him." J.T. / Canada
What readers of "Here is Wisdom" say...
".....this information is without a doubt the most powerful I'ver ever seen dealing with antichrist's appearance and the Last Days events....." "....the Lord's return is so clearly in front of us....." "I have to tell you that once I read thru the book and realized what is right in front of me prophetically I was a little embarrassed. It's like having an elephant standing in my room I didn't see and then suddenly I can see him standing there." C.J.N. / England
".....the "Heisnear" website plus "Here is WIsdom" together has shocked me into a totally committed walk with the Lord. The events of the End Times and appearance of antichrist today have put a new fire in me for God and the Bible....." "....other friends and family members I've directed to read it were equally as shocked and persuaded that the nearness of Christ is at hand. Unbelievable!!" T.S. / England
"I agree with all of your insights and revelations which God has given you....." Pastor D.K. / Georgia
"...... I've been a total skeptic for a long time although I've been a Christian for 11 years now. The way that you've presented the Bible's insight and backed it up with Headline news articles changed my mind completely....." "...God's Word is now so clear to me about what this generation is moving quickly towards that I am now more caught up in the Bible since my conversion." S.Y. / Canada
"This book is total shock treatment!! The book of Revelation has reached out grabbed me with "Here is Wisdom's" clear picturing of End Time events." ".....it's a little scary how blind the world is to the things that (are) happening these days." T. / USA
...since made public in Feb 2006
"....The news Headlines that show ******** actually preparing to negotiate a Mideast Peace agree- ment plus the photos of him sitting inside the Jewish Temple are a sobering picture of how close we really are to the final 7 year period and the great tribulation.......". H.K. / Texas