Thursday, June 7, 2012 :
><(((> past regular attender of meetings :
Saturday night's meeting on June 2, 2012 was incredible.
Within minutes of the meeting already in progress, 2 friends walked in. 1 of the men, a stranger and first time visitor to the meetings was given a specific prophetic word by Rob about the man's life and the direction which the Lord was now calling him to go.
After the word was delivered, the man immediately verbalized to everyone present, with his friend in agreement,
that it was exactly accurate and that a Pastor also had singled him out 14 days prior during a church service and gave him the exact same word which Rob had just given him.
Later, after the word was taught, the Lord poured out His heavier anointing of power. Then, more prophetic operations in the Gifts took place while Rob prayed for individuals with the laying on of hands. People were visibly impacted by God's power and the pure Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
At the end of the meeting, a person gave testimony to being "refreshed" after a lengthy time of spiritual battle;
Another verbalized he hadn't felt God's power like that before and was feeling an "insatiable appetite for God's word" ;
Another expressed her desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit and with her hands uplifted and in tears the Lord immediately placed His consuming fire on her ;
Another person with a bondage of drug addiction for 10 years declared it to be completely destroyed by, in his words, "what seemed like a lightning bolt go through him from head to toe" when Rob laid his hands on him and prayed. Right after that, this same man also testified that during his drug period he was not able to fasten his mind on God's Word, but recognized that after prayer his mind was now completely "filled with God's Word and it's all he could think about".
Later, and once the Gifts subsided at the end of the meet-
ing and still with no one leaving for a full 5 hours, everyone lifted their hands in unity and thanked and praised God because of the AWESOME GOD we serve!
I myself was still under the anointing for the next 2 days.
June 7, 2012