"Prosperity" Preachers
The body of Christ is starting to 'see' the unChristlikeness and folly in America's pulpits today. The Spirit of Truth is now opening EYES in today's End Times to 'see all these things'. (Math 24:33). This not only refers to the major Bible prophecies lined up EXACTLY TODAY but also to End Time false prophets and those ministers within the body of Christ who mislead 'even His elect'. (Matthew 24:24).
For example, America's Christian TV Programming IS FLOODED with flashy and cocky "prosperity" TV preachers and "plant your seed NOW for a miracle!" TV ministries. Still overall, much of the body of Christ in America flocks to them, unsuspectingly.
However, you WON'T FIND even 1 TRUE man of God, NOT 1, in the entire Bible who SOLELY DEDICATED his whole ministry for 10, 20, 30 years (like today's preachers) to TRAIN and INSTRUCT OTHERS on 'how to prosper financially and gain material wealth'. It's not in the Bible.
Do you find the first century Apostles like Peter or even Paul running around in the book of Acts DEDICATED to preaching how to prosper financially, and then living luxuriously like today's fancy preachers? You don't.
Yes, God's Word shows we can prosper. But, with the #1 condition being "IF" that TRUE man/woman of God OBEYS His entire Word. (Deut 28:1,2). AND IF that man of God truly 'seeks 1st THE KINGDOM of GOD'. (Math 6:33). But, today's prosperity pitch from America's pulpits is an imbalanced pitch for the last 20-30 years on TV Christian airwaves which is a self-centered, worldy and materialistic mindset.
It is a 'serve me first' mentality which is the exact opposite from the mind of Christ who placed no value in earthly things, but placed as priorities 'serving God first' and also prioritizing others' well-being as more important than His own.
Word of the Lord: NO more involvement in DEBT by believers in America!
I've written/prophesied much at Heisnear.com about prob- ably the biggest example of today's 'financial ERROR' carried out by America's self-centered Ministers, Church Pastors and so-called 'prophets'. Namely, those ministers who have WRONGFULLY taken out BANK DEBTS and million dollar BANK LOANS.
First, they've disobeyed God's Word which emphatically states that His people should NOT borrow nor be 'en- slaved to the lender' nor have ANY DEBT. (Proverbs 22:7 / Romans 13:8/ Deut 28). Yet today's worldly ministers have GONE INTO HUGE DEBT to 'build a church' or 'buy a property for their NEW church building'.
One of many top TV ministers is boasting that he's recently taken out a $45 Million BANK loan to build a huge complex which won't be done for 3 more years anyway. This epitomizes my points in this prophetical word.
Secondly, and WORSE, is that same Minister and ALL of today's Church Pastors or TV Ministers who have TAKEN OUT BANK DEBTS, HAVE THEN PLACED THAT VERY BURDEN of PAYING BACK the multi-Million Dollar DEBT...... UPON the innocent BODY OF Christ!!
Imagine God's people being led by a man or woman involved in outright disobedience to God's Word and sinning, BUT then places the YOKE of his own sins upon God's precious children, burdening them to carry it.
Dear Friends: God is not mocked. The LINKS below expound on the prophecies given to me by the Spirit and according to His Word on all of this, which are now coming to pass in America. Specifically, "The Lord will turn over MORE tables of the money-changer Preachers/ Church Pastors/ Ministers in America in 2010-2011" for them to finally learn AND so they won't burden God's children anymore. And, the body of Christ itself must NOT be involved in DEBT anymore.
It is no accident in America that right now and over the last 10-16 months American Banks themselves have all but STOPPED making loans to Americans. So much so, that Pres. Obama basically ordered Banks to start lending a few months back. [ CNN/Money News/Feb 2010 ]
But, America's Banks have even become more stringent than before. Amazingly, God has His ways of getting His point across to His people in America about NOT BORROWNG nor going into DEBT anymore. How? By freezing up the Banks and causing them NOT TO LEND regardless of Obama's pressure on them to do so. Why? DEBT brings BONDAGE. (Proverbs 22:7)
This, God has done while knowing that today's prosperity Ministers and so-called 'prophets' would continue push- ing God's children with the same imbalanced and self-serving 'prosperity' messages right through the very Economic Collapse and worsening economy in America today.
Blind, wealth-oriented, wretched
(Revelation 3:14-20)
*Here are 2 examples of this imbalanced 'prosperity - wealth-oriented' mindset in the BIBLE. However, BOTH show this mindset to be evil and in gross sin before God:
1) ie. Simon the sorcerer actually became a believer, being watered baptized & 'believed' in Christ. (Acts 8:13). Yet like many 'prosperity' Ministers or believers today, Simon STILL thought his own MONEY was the ultimate priority which could sway God and even acquire God, the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:18,19,20).
Likewise, daily in America we see top TV Ministers looking into the camera instructing God's people to, "Run to your phone, call the 800# and sow your SEED" .....so that you can obtain your biggest miracle from God yet, even a financial miracle!
But, Apostle Peter's discernment of Simon's money-priorities was the exact opposite of Simon's. In fact, Peter confronted Simon telling him he was 'evil, in the gall of bitterness AND in need of repentance'. (Acts 8:20-24). This scenario PRECISELY mirrors today's self-serving prosperity Ministers in America who need to hear this prophetic Word by the Spirit.
2) ie. The Laodicean Church profiled in Revelation ALSO mirrors today's "prosperity" TV Ministries and money-oriented Church Ministers in America. The Laodiceans were true 'believers' since Jesus ID'd them as 1 of the 7 "Churches". (Revelation 1:11 / 3:14).
Yet they were so 'wealth-oriented' (Rev 3:17) that they literally became self-deceived since Jesus told them they "did not know" (Rev 3:17) that they were "wretched, miserable, poor, naked and blind". (Rev 3:17).
Imagine a true believer in Christ (like Simon the sorcerer AND the Laodiceans) AND like many of America's Ministers today, being 100% confident -- CONVINCED -- that they are 'Right On!'.
Yet, then the Lord comes along in perfect discernment and wisdom saying to them, "To the contrary. In fact, you're sinful and wretched and blind, and WORSE, you don't even know it!".
This Laodicean profile EXACTLY MIRRORS America's self-deceived TV Ministers and ANY minister across America who has wrongly placed MONEY as a priority. Again, this can be quickly spotted in Ministers who disobey God's Word by taking out BANK DEBTS or Bank Loans.
Worse, is that minister's placing of the YOKE and burden of his own DEBTS upon God's innocent children TO PAY IT OFF!! Other ministers can be quickly ID'd in their cocky and boasting attitudes about money, prosperity and materialism which is never in the Spirit of God.
Believers must not be naive anymore. Today's self-serving Church Pastor or TV Evangelist (or believer next door) might boast that he just "bought" a new home. However, unless he paid cash, then from God's TRUE perspective he just disobeyed God's Word and, virtually just added a $250,000 bondage of DEBT to his life!
It's time in America to:
Dear Friends: Just like the Laodiceans, America's pulpits have NOW pushed the Lord so far OUTSIDE of the church that He is on the outside-looking-in. Today , in America and exactly like the BLIND, WEALTH-ORIENTED Laodicean Church, the Lord Jesus is gently and humbly 'knocking on the door' of men's hearts saying, "IF anyone hears My voice......". (Rev 3:20).
However, in America today the Lord's true 'VOICE' in the matter of FINANCES is NOT being heard right now! Why? Because the loudest VOICES being heard on the biggest Christian TV airwaves are STILL spewing the SAME FALSE PROPHECIES! It is the same batch of flashy prosperity preachers and so-called 'prophets' who are seen DAILY hyping God's people saying, 'Hurry! Run to your phone, send the money, plant your seed ....and PROSPERITY is coming your way and for America!!"
But, TO THE CONTRARY! Today, the LORD'S TRUE VOICE to His people right now in America is to:
"Repent! Turn to Him and EMBRACE Him fully! Do NOT borrow any more! What you've lost, consider it joy because of an opportunity to learn from your mistakes; GOD IS YOUR SOURCE! NOT A BANK! Be stronger and wiser and FULLY OBEDIENT TO HIS WORD and Spirit, to GOD'S GLORY!"
And "Look to Him! Forsake ALL which is ungodly and of this world!! Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and ALL His righteousness! And Almighty God HIMSELF shall supply ALL of your needs according to His Word and His riches which are in glory! And PRAY for ALL of today's Ministers, many of whom are our true brothers in Christ, so they also might "see" (Rev 3:18) and understand AND OBEY the Word of the Lord for America on this matter!"