Our Lord Jesus exhorted today's End Time believers. He said:
"When you see all these things, know that He is near..... even right at the door..." (Math.24:33) and He said, "Be on guard.... lest that day come upon you suddenly like a trap...". (Luke 21:34). Today, these Bible passages are critically important. They deal with having accurate spiritual discernment in these End Times & also with being ready & upright, in Christ, so that we are not misled & blind to His nearness.
As "Here is Wisdom" shows, the signing of the Mideast Peace treaty by the man of sin literally could take place today or more likely in the times ahead. But prophetically, it's on the table & ready to happen at any time. Graciously, the Lord is still allowing more time for more souls to be saved, which must take place before "the end" occurs. [Math.24:14]. The accurate handling of End Time scriptures from the Word of God will be a key in unveiling the jolting clarity of the closeness of End Time events & the nearness of our Lord. To those who see by the Spirit, the nearness of Christ will be unmistakable.
But, for those who are spiritually blind & discount God's Word today, then they are a fulfillment of the Apostle Peter's foresight for these End Times when he said, "Know this first of all, that in the Last Days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, & saying, 'Where is the promise of His coming?' " [2 Pet.3: 3,4]. But, in the prophetical days ahead, some mockers worldwide will also recognize that the great day of God is at hand. [as dis- cussed later in this chapter]. Although they still choose not to embrace Christ.
Revelation "Insight" is coming to God's people... [Daniel 11:33]
The powerhouse Christian men of God mentioned in this book (ie. Sir Isaac Newton, John Wesley, John Calvin, etc.) who identified the exact profile of the man of sin as presented in "Here is Wisdom", only saw the End Times from a distance & as a future period that they all knew would occur AFTER their own eras.
But, what these past pillars of the faith foresaw hundreds of years ago, has shaped up exactly TODAY as virtual-reality to this generation!
Yet today believers sit naively to these End Time insights, having their ears tickled by flashy "dead work" ministers. Today's preachers are more polished in selling their "Miracle water" & their latest CD's & tapes on "financial increase" & "how to become a prophet in 30 days", than they are in the "equipping the saints" as the Apostle Paul charged all 5- Fold ministers to carry out. [Eph.4:12]. Precious few "leaders" can be found today sounding the trumpet of warning & readiness to God's people.
But, concerning today's End Times, the prophet Daniel specifically predicted some- thing very powerful, which deals WITH TODAY'S BELIEVERS. Daniel predicted that in the End Times: "those who have insight will provide understanding to the many." [Dan.11:33].
NOW is the EXACT right time, prophetically, for God's people to "provide under- standing" to many concerning the nearness of Christ & of the forthcoming events at hand. As a result of FIRST gaining End Time "insights" from the written Word, then God's people will explode into readiness as they go forth & "provide understanding to the many" . "Many" souls will be saved to the glory of God & many will NOT have become "trapped" from ignorance & from today's deceptions, as the Lord Himself forewarned. [Luke 21:34].
God's people are "thirsty" ...
Today, God's people are thirsting for the deeper things of God. However, only shallow & ear-tickling sermons are being delivered from American pulpits. So, God's people have now become caught up in the fictional & fairy-tale worlds of the "Left Behind" novels & "the Da Vinci Code" versus the virtual-reality of God's Word that illuminates the awesome & shocking reality of the End Time events squarely staring this generation in the eyes TODAY .
But this trend is about to change. Soon, the body of Christ & thirsting people in the world will begin handling & seeing the scriptures accurately including the book of Revelation & Daniel. And, those deeper hidden things of God's Word (like "who is antichrist?") which had been hidden & "CON-cealed until the End Times" are now becoming "RE"-vealed for fulfillment in the days ahead, as the prophet Daniel predicted. [Daniel 12:4,9]. Here again, "those who have insight" (of these "RE"-vealed things) specifically refers to God's End Time people who will handle God's written Word accurately AND who are also led by the Spirit. [Dan.11:33]. "For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God." [Rom.8:14].
the coming Divine Move of God : He will exalt Himself !
God's final move upon this earth will be a divine & awesome move that will overwhelm the entire world. And it's coming soon. In fact, NO man will receive any acclaim or honor for what is coming. NO ONE particular minister or "fancy-dancy" preacher with a microphone & flashy suit will have any part whatsoever in prompting it, nor decorating it.
What is soon coming will be a DIVINE, GLOBAL MOVE OF GOD. And He will NOT need any "superstar" preacher or recent graduate from any so-called "School of the Prophets" in order to help exalt Him . But, God is about to do all of His own promoting & exalting of Himself .... ALL BY HIMSELF !
End Time scriptures tell us exactly what God has already said about His final End Time "move", which we are soon to witness in this generation.
He said :
"And I shall magnify Myself, & sanctify Myself, & make Myself known in the sight of many nations ! & they shall know that I am the Lord !" [Ezek.38:23].
That's Right. God Himself will be the sole initiator and His own greatest promoter of His FINAL global move.
"How" is God going to exalt Himself ?
Just ahead prophetically, God will exalt Himself by exalting His Written Word in this earth . When God's Word is exalted, then God Himself also is exalted . But how? How will His written Word be exalted in this earth?
In the days & months ahead, TOP NEWS HEADLINES will begin focusing on the Papacy of Rome as it becomes the world's TOP candidate as mediator of the Mideast Peace problem. At the same time, God's written Word & its piercing End Time insights will go forth from God's people & spotlight the the prophetical significance of the Papacy & the Mideast Peace process. [Dan.11:33]. Then as a result, a dominating global awareness & even contro- versy will erupt as to the validity of today's world events [including the role of the Papacy as the "false prophet"] & their obvious mirroring of the Bible's predictions for the End Times.
The written Word of God will soon become exalted & recognized worldwide as the ultimate perfect predictor of today's events. Even atheists & staunch rejectors of the Bible's divine inspiration will still recognize the parallels of today's events with God's Word. Also obvious to all people (believers or not) will be that God's written Word has become the ultimate root source of this massive global stirring, which is coming. God's written word will truly be the very "last word" in this earth in these End Times as event-after-event will be shockingly pinpointed by God's Word for all to see. Then, a powerful & divine move of His Spirit [as talked about later in this chapter] will follow & con- confirm His Word with an awesome & worldwide outpouring.
God's Word will also be exalted in the days ahead in the preaching of the Gospel to all the nations on earth. [Math.24:14]. The Name of "Jesus" will become so dominant in people's minds worldwide that this End Time generation will be- come overwhelmed with the ultimate decision to either accept the Lord Jesus Christ, or accept the world & the "antichrist". This is exactly the ultimate spiritual place where this world is speedily headed right now. All of these things will take place because of the exalting of God's written Word & the Name of Jesus in this earth in the days ahead.
Unprecedented Global awareness of God, His End Time Word , & the imminent return of the Lord Jesus....
Prophetically, the coming worldwide mindfulness of God & His Written Word will be unprecedented in world history. The only other time comparable to what's coming was in the days of Noah, in the 1st judgement upon the earth. But, in the prophetical days ahead, End Time topics will so consume the minds of this generation that God's Word will fill the mouths of all people [even mockers & unbelievers!] worldwide. "Those who have insight", Daniel said, will be the ones "providing understanding to the many" concerning today's events & their fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Daily: from households to coffee shops, at the workplace, on radio & TV talk programs & covered by the daily Headline News networks.... the hot topic of amazement globally will be the world events taking place & their obvious identical "match" to events foretold in the written Word. This is what's coming as this generation gets closer to the "signing" of the 7 year Mideast Agreement. Namely, an unprecedented global awareness of the imminent End Time events & the return of Christ.
Then, as the world witnesses the actual Mideast "signing" itself, the world's people will be stirred to the core with the realization that God, by His Word, has just divinely & tangibly started the world's time-clock for the final 7 years in history as man knows it. Many will be saved in their surrender to the Lord Jesus. Even haters of God & the spiritually blind will recognize the unmistakable parallel of the Mideast "signing" with what Daniel & John the Revelator foretold. [Dan.9:27; Rev.6:2].
Then, soon into the Tribulation period, the book of Revelation shows [in Rev.6:12-14] that the entire planet earth will shake & tremble on its axis in the most frightening & one-of-a-kind earthquake in world history. Literally, the whole planet will shake. "Every island & mountain will be moved out of their places." [Rev.6:14]. This coming earthquake will be yet another End Time event [like the "signing" of the Mideast Agreement] which will be easily pinpointed by ALL PEOPLE WORLDWIDE as exactly matching God's written Word. God's mercies are demonstrated by this coming earthquake as He will divinely land- mark another tangible moment of His intervention into the final days of history. His divine purpose at that time will still be to mercifully reach out to more lost souls before the end, which is the Great Tribulation & the wrath of God.
This coming global awareness which will lead up to the 7 year Tribulation & then explode at its "signing", will be topped by the predicted planetary earthquake which will follow. [Rev.6:14]. Then, from that point on [in the beginning stages of the 7 year period], every person on the face of the earth, from poorest to the wealthiest to military commanders & to World Leaders, will know that God is on His throne, His judgements are imminent & Jesus is, in fact, the "Lamb of God". At that time, even those who remain against God will still acknowledge that "the great day of their wrath has come" although still refusing to embrace Christ. The book of Revelation confirms this:
"And the kings of the earth & the great men & the commanders & the rich & the strong & every slave & every free man, hid themselves in the caves & among the rocks of the mountains; And they said to the mountains & to the rocks, "Fall on us & hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, & from wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come; & who is able to stand?" [Rev. 6:15-17].
God's Last Divine Outpouring...
In the days ahead "those who have insight" & are filled with God's Spirit will walk powerfully in the Spirit & in the obvious divine favor of God. Incredible demonstrations of God's power & miracles will accompany His bond-servants in the unparalleled days ahead. [Dan.11:32,33]. Of God's people in the End Times Daniel stated, "And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, & those who lead the many to righteousness, will shine like the stars forever & ever." [Dan.12:3].
Ultimately, in the FINAL global move of God which is coming, He will not only EXALT & MAGNIFY HIMSELF..... [Ezek.38:23] but He also will mercifully provide His very own global outreach for people to recognize His Divine visitation upon this earth.
God's purpose in His final global move will be to draw as many souls to His beloved Son, Jesus, as possible in His last Divine sweep. Once He knows that the very last soul to accept Christ has done so, then He will supernaturally "take" all of His people from the earth, in the twinkle of an eye as He has promised. [I Cor. 15:52; 1 Thess.4:16]. The prophetical words of the Lord Jesus will bring great strength to His true followers in the perilous days ahead. He said, "But when these things begin to take place, straighten up & lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." [Luke 21:28].