<--------------- 7 Year Tribulation --------------->
Return of Christ Battle of Armaggedon
1000 year Millennium Reign of Christ on earth
"a quart of wheat for a denarius" / Revelation 6:6
European Union of 10 nations
100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness_______
(2 min Video / Heisnear.com)
"A quart of WHEAT
for a denarius" [ Rev 6:6 ] / skyrocketing Global FOOD & Commodity Prices / "peace is
Rising WHEAT Prices in Today's End Times
Global Food Supply and Rising WHEAT Prices
Sept 1, 2010
United Nations:
Global Food Prices
Highest in 2 years
Sept 3, 2010
Fears Grow
Over Global Food Supply
[ UN Food & Agri- culture Calls Emer- gency to Discuss Wheat Shortages ]
World Food Prices Hit RECORD HIGH - no end in sight
G20 Leaders unite to monitor soaring World Grain/FOOD prices
& potential CRISIS
[ up 37% last 1 yr ]
Current Global FOOD WARS & Riots to Spike 300% ?
This Foretold Bible prophecy shows the Nearness to the 'start'
of the Final 7 Year Tribulation to this generation TODAY ...
GLOBAL WHEAT - Commodity
PRICES skyrocketing TODAY
as foretold for the 'START' of the final 7 year period.

This matches exactly the Bible's foretold scenario for the actual 'start' of the final 7 Year Tribulation which is staring this generation squarely in the eyes RIGHT NOW as overwhelmingly confirmed at Heisnear.com. [ News below ]
In fact, today's exploding WHEAT and FOOD prices
are specifically foretold in Revelation 6:6 which portrays global skryocketing WHEAT prices at the 'start' of Tribulation saying, "a quart of wheat for a denarius". [ Graph below ]
This points to WHEAT and the overall commodity prices worldwide to be off-the-charts near the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation so that the price of a loaf of bread [ "a quart of wheat" ] would cost a whole day's wage. [ "a denarius" being the first century's Roman Empire equivalent to a day's wage, or more. ].
In some 3rd world nations today, this is already occurring with as much as 35% of a family's income being used to buy FOOD. [ News > ]
In America, conceivably bread could cost $40 - $50 or more.
As today's Headlines confirm, this COMING GLOBAL FOOD CATASTROPHE is so close to becoming a reality that the G20 Leaders of the world are already uniting together in readying for sudden worldwide kaos among nations to be triggered by fighting for food. [ News below / June 16, 2011 ]
History and simple logic prove that, at any level of society & globally, skyrocketing unaffordable food prices coupled with hunger equal rioting, anarchy or even wars.
IN FACT, THIS IS EXACTLY what Revelation shows is coming QUICKLY to this generation at the 'start' of Tribulation saying, "and peace was taken from the earth". [Rev. 6:4]
During the 1st half of Tribulation, soaring GLOBAL FOOD PRICES, food shortages and starvation itself will become so quickly desperate that the event- ual 'mark of the beast' will be 'forced upon all' [Rev 13:16,17] at the Mid-Point of the 7 Year Tribulation as the ultimate solution for "all" to have FOOD and water.
The False Prophet [Papacy of Rome] will be the ul- timate SOLE EXECUTOR of the coming GLOBAL FOOD & STARVATION 'solution' with his proposed 1-World economic 'mark'. [ News / mark of beast ]
Here again, the POPES are already pushing heavily [for years] these "World hunger" solutions to the United Nations, World Health Organization and world Leaders in precise line with this entire soon- coming and foretold scenario.
Russia Cuts 2010
Grain Crop Forecast
Over Worst Drought
in 130 years
Aug 6, 2010
WHEAT Heads for Biggest Gain in 50 years
[ "... wheat prices have doubled in less than 2 months.... " ]
Aug 15, 2010
Russia Ban on Grain Export Begins
[ "...ban likely to see bread prices rise.... " ]
Pope Francis New Controversy --- BILLIONS to die.
the 'start' of Tribulation
Record - High WHEAT
Coming Global FOOD Crisis
Global Food Crisis Looms as Wheat & Grain Prices SOAR ( Worst USA Drought in 25 years contributing )
World Bank Sounds Alarm
on Rising Global FOOD & Wheat Prices
Rising WHEAT Prices in Today's End Times