Chapter 1
The Coming Global Spiritual Awakening
Today's End Time awareness...
Globally today, a spiritual awakening to the things & events of these End Times has already begun & is on the increase. Since the re-birth of Israel in 1948 which marked this generation as the 'End Time' period, numerous increasing waves of global interest in Bible Prophecy have occurred. Many scriptures predict this. For example, of the last generation's own keen awareness of End Time prophecies Daniel foretold that "those who have insight [during the final generation] will provide understanding to the many". [Dan.11:33]. Jesus also gave instruction for End Time believers globally saying "When you see all these things [final prophecies] , know that He is near, even right at the door." [Math.24:33].
The most recent waves of 'End Time' interests were seen in the 1970's & again in the 90's & through today. Key Bible topics of the End Times [ie. the rapture, antichrist, mark of the beast, 666, Great Tribulation, etc.] have been popularized in books, movies & TV & radio media with skyrocketing & unprecedented global interest.
Today's 'End Time' global awareness is right on time prophetically & lines up with all other Bible prophecies which are now shaped up & facing this generation squarely in the eyes. As the "start" of the 7 Year Tribulation draws nearer by the day, then today's spiritual awakening of 'End Time' things will simultaneously grow into a heightened global transfixation on Christ Himself. He will be the coming ultimate focul point globally.
In no way will the current awareness subside nor will it dissipate. But, it will steadily increase into a final & global mindset which is daily overwhelmed with the awareness of the imminent judgements of God & the closeness of Christ & His return to this earth. Then, at a certain recognizeable point in the near-future an explosion of keen worldwide spiritual awareness of Christ will occur as discussed later in this chapter & as foretold by scriptures.
A Global audience focused on Christ....
The world's first awareness of Christ obviously started in the first century in Christ's first divine appearance which was localized to Israel. However, His second appearance will be a global event. In fact, His awesome divine return will be witnessed simultaneously by all of the earth and all of heaven. [Rev.19:11].
This is why John the Revelator in 95 AD entitled his vision: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ". Because it deals with an ever-increasing global awareness of Christ from 95 AD & throughout the generations & all the way up to a final world audience in the End Times. Now, after 2000 years, this is exactly what has happened as today's End Time generation of 6 billion people is positioned to literally witness His re-appearance to this world. Heaven is also awaiting this mind-boggling eternal event. [Rom.8:18,19].
However as indicated, this 'spiritual awakening' today is only in its infant stages compared to the coming spiritual explosion in this generation's very near future. This is God's plan for the End Times. To have a global audience which is spiritually overwhelmed & collectively focused in the reality of the imminent, awesome & divine Re-appearance of His Son Jesus back into this world.
God's divine purpose in this is the same with His eternal plan from in the beginning. Namely, to save as many children unto Himself as possible, & now through His Son Jesus, so that the Father may dwell with His children throughout eternity. "And to as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but were born of God." [John 1:12,13].
America's part in these End Times...
The term 'Last Days' represents the last 2000 years as a whole which started at the birthing of the body of Christ on Pentecost in the first century. [Acts 2:16,17]. At times scripturally, it also refers to the last generation in human history. [2 Tim.3:1]. Erroneously, the term 'End Times' has also been commonly used by believers since the 70's to mean the final generation. This is a result of Christian prophecy authors who popularized it to mean the overall final generation associated with all final Biblical events. [ie. 7 Year Tribulation, appearance of antichrist, rapture, great tribulation, return of Christ, re-birth of Israel, etc.].
However, scripturally, the term 'End Times' [coined by Daniel] strictly defines only the last 3 1/2 years of God's wrath. [Dan.11:35,40; 12:7-9]. But, based on today's common useage of the term to pertain to the last generation in general, then this book will continue to use the term with the same common useage. Unquestionably, today's generation is the Biblically foretold 'End Time' or final generation which is close to the 'start' of the Tribulation.
But, as a major part of God's divine plan to exalt His Son in this final generation just before Christ's return , God chose to raise up the United States in 1776. In doing so, He would have a body of people [a whole nation of believers in Christ] who He foreknew would receive & then spread the Good News of His Son through the final days & right up to His actual return.
As foreordained, the United States with all of her downfalls, has remained the most powerful Christian country in the world, second to none since 1776. America, more than any other country, has spread the Gospel of Jesus to the nations of the world over the first 230 years of our history.
Now, America also finds herself in the Biblically foretold era of the 'End Times' since 1948's re-birthing of Israel, a fulfillment of major Bible prophecy. [Ezek.38:8]. Since then, believers in America have again moved in God's Spirit while ratcheting up the preaching of Christ. In the 1950's, evangelistic efforts suddenly took the TV airwaves bringing the Gospel to our nation with solid TV ministers.
After that came the move of God's Spirit upon America in the late 1960's & early 70's. This was another re-vitalizing burst of believers who have been used to win millions upon millions to Christ in our own country & other nations around the world. Christian satellite TV itself has been key in America in the last 40 years of "preaching the Gospel to the remotest ends of the earth" before His Son's re-appearance. [Math.24:14].
But right now into the 21st century, even though our nation as a whole is clearly in need of national repentance, God will raise up yet another mighty wave of believers in America. It will be a final wave of bond-servants who will participate in the coming worldwide outpouring of God's Spirit in readiness for Christ's return.
Many believers are ready right now by the Spirit & will be used mightily in the awesome Biblically foretold days coming. In fact, every believer [in America & worldwide] who is ready to embrace the Lord Jesus & stand firm as a living witness to Him, will have his or her special 'part' in the body of Christ in the coming unparalleled final days of history.
America will not only continue to produce believers to "preach" the Gospel to the remotest nations of the earth, but will also bring forth bond-servants to "teach" deeper insights from God's written Word. This will be in order to "provide understanding to the many" [Dan.11:33] with clarity of the forthcoming global End Time events coming upon this generation.
Preached until "the end"...
"Preaching the Name of Jesus" to all nations is a major prophetical sign of His nearness today. As emphasized, "Jesus" is the exact peak topic of where today's spiritual awakening is quickly headed. God's people [the body of Christ] will be the ones "preaching the Gospel". After the Gospel has been fully preached, Jesus said, "...the end shall come." [Math.24:14].
"The End" is the term coined by Daniel & used here by Jesus. [Dan.11:27,35; 12:4,13]. Like the term 'End Times', the term 'the end' also refers specifically to the Great Tribulation period, the last horrific 3 1/2 years of human history at the hands of the man of sin [commonly called "antichrist"]. Up until that point, then the "Gospel will be preached" right into the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation by God's servants with Jesus' Name being increasingly exalted in this earth.
Once God's people have "preached the Gospel to all nations for a witness" then the rapture event itself will take place having a huge global impact on those who still remain in the world. [This is shown in scriptures as discussed later in this chapter.] The sudden disappearance of millions of believers [maybe billions] will be an obvious divine fulfillment of God's word & an eye-opening sign of the horrendous Apocalyptic events & judgements about to take place next. Some still will be saved through the Great Tribulation. However, it will come with a nightmarish cost since they will have scoffed their way right into the final 3 1/2 years of God's wrath. [Rev.16:1]. Or, "the end" as Daniel called it.
This is what Jesus meant when He compared End Time scoffers to the days of Noah who had heard & fully understood Noah's messages of the impending judgement. However, they had scoffed their way into being 'locked out' from entering into the safety of the ark & out of the way of the coming judgement. [Math.24:37-41]. Uniquely in the Great Tribulation, God's great mercy will still reach out to those who are left on earth during that time. This is because the mighty Name of Jesus & global awareness of His imminent return will still continually increase throughout the final nightmare on earth.
Explosive Worldwide Revelation of Jesus Christ...
As emphasized, this coming global spiritual explosion will not be another mystical or random religious fad or passing experience. What's coming will NOT be a spiritual smorgasbord of each person's own perspective of God & their own religious views as is common today. But, what is soon coming to this generation is a total worldwide awareness & zeroed-in focus on the divine person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Literally, every person on earth, both believers & unbelievers, will be caught up into an overwhelming & consuming awareness of Jesus Christ.
The Bible shows clearly that as the End Time generation gets nearer & nearer to the 'start' of the final 7 Year Tribulation period then the world's entire populace as a whole [opposers of Christ included], will have become keenly aware of key Biblical forthcoming events, antichrist's appearance, final judgements & the imminent return of Christ.
Today, as the world heads on its fast-track forward then the actual next 2 events to occur on the prophetic 'timetable' are spring-loaded to take place right now. It may take months or several years for them to occur but they are ready now. These are the "signing" of the 7 year Mideast covenant made by the man of sin AND the attack on Israel by her enemies from the north. [Ezek.38].
Both events will be easily correlated by this generation with their clear fulfillment of God's written Word. The "signing" of the 7 Year Mideast accord itself [Dan.9:27] will soon swing open the End Time door for the unbelievable Biblical events to begin occurring non-stop & one-after-another into the 7 Year Tribulation period.
But, at each occurance of these 2 major events then the world's prior heightened awareness of End Time things which led up to the 7 year Tribulation will ignite worldwide. As previously mentioned, this will be because of the world's ability to easily match these next 2 world events with God's written Word. Soon after that, another shocking global event will occur as the earth will literally rock back & forth on its axis within months inside the 7 Year Tribulation. This event in itself will be the specific event causing the 'explosion' of global awareness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is clearly confirmed in Revelation 6. It shows that within the first stages of the 7 year Tribulation, then even the vilest & extreme cursors of God on the earth, from the greatest Kings & military commanders to the poorest of poor, will specifically recognize in great fear & trembling that Jesus is the "Lamb" & God is sitting on His throne. Revelation states:
"And the kings of the earth & the great men & the commanders & the rich & the strong & every slave & free man, hid themselves in the caves & among the rocks of the mountains; & they said to the mountains & to the rocks, 'Fall on us & hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne & from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come; & who is able to stand?' ". [Rev.6:15,16,17].
To reiterate, Revelation pinpoints the exact event [in the string of events] that will have triggered this explosion of global recognition of Christ. It will be a first-of-its-kind earthquake in world history within the first 3 1/2 years which literally shakes the earth back & forth on its axis. "Every island & mountain will be moved out of their places." [Rev.6:12,13,14]. From that point on into the 7 Year Tribulation, the sobering fixation of every person in the world will be upon the person of the Lord Jesus Christ & the Tribulation events leading to His re-appearance into this world.
The Return of Christ
As greatly emphasized in this chapter, today's spiritual awakening is in its infant stages but will speedily increase in the prophetical days ahead. Every predicted event in itself will be another milestone of shock & awe leading up the spiritual staircase of revelation of Christ Jesus & His physical return. As also stated, with each forthcoming event will be another obvious divine demonstration of God's great mercy which He will continue to demonstrate through the Great Tribulation. In the days ahead, many will be saved as they will be eye-witnesses to the reality that God is truly "not willing that any perish, but that all be saved." [2 Peter 3:9].
Incredibly, this coming final unparalleled move of God on earth will be performed all by Himself. Both God & His written Word itself will be exalted globally in each forthcoming event's obvious fulfillment of His Word foretold thousands of years ago. It will be a sovereign move of God towards His loved ones & lost souls. God has already stated His intention for His End Time outreach in His own Words. He said:
"And I shall magnify Myself, & I shall sanctify myself, & make Myself known in the sight of many nations & they will know that I am the Lord." [Ezekiel 38:23].
As each of the Biblically foretold events begin unfolding in the days ahead, it will be as if a spiritual 'red carpet' were being rolled out for the magnificent appearance of Jesus from heaven. God Himself, by the fulfillment of His word with each event, will be the ultimate One calling worldwide attention to His beloved Son's divine re-appearance.
In Jesus' first appearance to this earth & at the beginning of His ministry God Himself spoke from heaven: "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." John the Baptist & a small body of disciples & onlookers at the Jordan River were blessed to have witnessed it. However, at Christ's 2nd appearance the entire world & heaven itself will have been divinely primed for many years in advance [at least 7 years] in anticipation of witnessing His physical re-appearance. It will occur on the very last day of the 7 Year Tribulation. [Rev.19:11; Dan.12:11,12].
Then, and at the exact right time & at the highest peak possible of intensified earthly & heavenly awareness of Christ, the heavens will suddenly be pulled back from side-to-side like the curtains are pulled back at the beginning of a theatre play. Then Christ will appear. [Rev.19:11]. This miraculous event is foreordained by God & His Word in order to highly exalt & glorify His own Son, the eternally crowned King of glory. No earthly imagination can fathom the coming breathtaking & heavenly fanfare, the overwhelming divine glory & the spectacular magnificence of Jesus' re-appearance as King. In his vision, John the Revelator unbelievably saw this all in advance.
For those who are still alive on earth on the final day of the Great Tribulation they will look up to the heavens to witness this awesome event. They will not only see Christ descending on a white horse, but ALL OF HEAVEN coming with Him! Countless saints in heaven will be mounted on horses behind the white horse mounted by the King Himself. The awesome descent from heaven to earth will be accompanied by an angelic escort [Rev.20:1] & will be an event which will be remembered & talked about throughout eternity. [Rev.19:11, 14].
Prophetically, today's global audience [in fact, each reader of this very chapter] is being prepared right now by God & His written Word which mercifully foretells all of this. Those who refuse Christ in these final days coming will have no excuse of having a lack of knowledge. But, God's divine presence which is now coming quickly upon this world will be so obvious in the days ahead that salvation in Christ will be almost "tangible" for final decisions to be made to accept Him, or not.
Virtually, God is ready right at this moment & at all times with salvation & outrstretched hands to save lost souls. His immediate readiness & His mercies to save every person who surrenders are shown clearly in scriptures. One passage is Isaiah 55:6 which states: "Seek the Lord while He may be found & call upon Him while He is near....". Another verse overflowing with mercy states that these things in the Bible have been written to you who believe in Jesus "so that you may know that you have eternal life". [1John 5:13].
Christ's Return DOWNPLAYED by Today's ministers...
Today, much of the presentation of Christ's return has been greatly downplayed by many ministers & authors in the USA. Amazingly, a very small percentage of leaders today even talk about Christ's return. But, those who do, have an overall erroneous portrayal of it. Their presentation [from American pulpits & in books written] greatly minimizes [in many cases misrepresents altogether] the true overwhelming global awareness of Christ which scriptures show will lead right up to the divine event of Christ's return itself.
This is from a lack of knowledge in studying out God's word by the Spirit. Over the last 35 years or so in America many Christian leaders have been taught "of men" on End Time topics & by reading other author's prophecy books rather than being taught by God's Spirit Himself. The Apostle John understood this when he wrote: "You have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, & is true, & is not a lie, & just as He has taught you, you abide in Him." [1 John 2:27].
But, today's downplaying of Christ's imminent return is epitomized by two of the foremost best-selling authors of End Time prophecy novels who were seen in March 2007 on a popular TV interview. Both authors [one, a Bible theologian] were asked if this generation would see the culmination of Bible prophecies & the return of Christ. Both said "no". The Christian theologian added that it probably will all take place "within the next 25 to 50 years".
But to the contrary, in the mighty days ahead many Bible & prophecy 'experts' will have their eyes opened by the Spirit of God to the actual nearness of Christ right now. Concerning the End Times, Jesus Himself warned all believers to have sharp discernment of the "nearness" of His return. He said, "When you see all these things, then know that He is near, even right at the door." [Math.24:33]. Although no one knows the day or very hour of the rapture, today's signs are clear that He is most definitely "near". Soon, He will be "right at the door." In the days & months ahead, global awareness will swell so mightily that many Christian Leaders who do not 'see' Christ's nearness today, will 'see' it soon.
In fact, many wonderful Christian Leaders & authors [like the ones just mentioned] have been used greatly in recent years as part of God's plan to popularize 'Bible prophecy' during these End Times. Ironically, many of these same ones have instilled blindness to the body of Christ from their extreme mishandling of numerous key End Time topics. Most of these mishandled topics require study by the Spirit of God to grasp their insight as opposed to using only the 'natural mind' which many authors & Bible teachers have operated in. [1 Cor. 2:14].
Some of today's mishandled topics include the global magnificence of Christ's return, the rapture timing, the profile of 'antichrist', the meaning of 666, the mark of the beast, the false prophet & the 7 Year Tribulation vs. the Great Tribulation. These are just a few of the vital topics that God's people & Leaders themselves will begin handling accurately in these End Times. [Dan.11:33]. The body of Christ itself will probably be more inclined to grasp these insights quicker than many of today's Leaders & authors who are more inclined to stick to their own empty views in order to hold onto their 'reputation'.
Today's "rapture next" theory...
The "rapture next" theory is clearly one of numerous mishandled topics today but which is vital for God's people to understand. Today's popular but erroneous theory largely diminishes the overall glory & global magnitude of the Bible's true picture for Christ's return. Also, it inaccurately teaches that the "rapture" is the "very next" predicted event that will happen even before the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation.
This great error of the 'rapture next' theory could cause serious confusion to God's people if left unattended. Particulary when this generation witnesses the soon-coming 'start' of the Tribulation & God's people realize that they have not yet been raptured as today's authors & preachers present. Also, the 'rapture next' theory depicts an unsuspecting world who is left behind in general bewilderment as to where everyone just disappeared to & what just happened.
Again, this is a huge misrepresentation of the coming global revelation of Jesus Christ & of the keen global awareness of End Time topics & events as they begin unfolding in the world's eyes. It also has caused the body of Christ over the years to live daily in an unecessary 'guessing-game' mode of awaiting the rapture. This is in direct opposition to Christ's own specific warning & instruction to His followers to "know" exactly when He is near, "even right at the door". [Math.24:33]. Nevertheless, Christians have been continually told erroneously by authors, preachers & TV ministers for 40 years that He is 'right at the door'.
To be specific, God's written word has not kept the timing of a powerful event as the 'rapture' such a mystery & sudden surprise as today's 'rapture next' authors & preachers present. To the contrary, the specific timing is exactly what God has shown in His Word so His children may clearly understand.
When studying this topic out by the Spirit then the "last trumpet" is a key. Paul specifically stated that "the last trumpet" is what literally triggers the moment of the rapture. [1 Cor.15:52,53]. This "last trumpet" is also pinpointed within the book of Revelation's chronology of the Final 7 Year Tribulation.
Clearly, it is shown as being within the first 3 1/2 years of the 7 Year Tribulation. The "7th trumpet" [the Apostle John's term] or "last trumpet" as Paul called it, is obviously being blown in Revelation 11:15. This specifically places the rapture inside the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation period. [Revelation Chapter 13 itself being the exact 'middle' of the 7 Year period.]
Indeed, no other trumpet is blown or even mentioned after Rev.11:15 in the entire remaining passages of the Bible. [A dedicated chapter in "Here is Wisdom" all but exhausts the text in elaborating on, not the 'day or hour' of the rapture, but the clear "timing" of it, including Revelation's indicators as to how many months believers may live into the first 3 1/2 year period.].
But, today's erroneous "rapture next" teaching minimizes [or leaves out altogether] the coming mercies of God on earth & the global heightened awareness of Christ associated with the fulfillment of each forthcoming event. This is because the 'rapture next' theory portrays God's people as being suddenly 'snatched' from an unsuspecting generation who remains behind & generally uninformed as to the meaning or magnitude of the unfolding global events.
The 'rapture next' theory also has today's believers believing that a "pre- 7 year rapture" will prevent the body of Christ from seeing the appearance of the man of sin or from even 'knowing' who he really is. Typically, the same authors & prophecy teachers are also responsible for this error. To the contrary, the scriptures provide huge amounts of information in order for God's people to specifically identify the man of sin's profile & recognize his appearance.
In reality, these two terribly mishandled teachings together [the rapture timing & the profile of the man of sin] have totally misled & even blinded God's people from seeing what has virtually shaped up right in front of us today. This is what the Lord referred to by saying that believers should be alert so that day does not "come on you suddenly like a trap." [Luke 21:34].
However, in the days ahead God's people will gain these vital insights from God's Word including the true 'timing' of the rapture as just mentioned. Having this knowledge will only enhance & maximize believers' awareness & readiness to "meet the Lord in the air". [1 Thess.4:16,17].
This eye-opening knowledge will also bring great strength & preparation to God's people for the unparalleled & perilous times ahead including the foretold appearance of antichrist & the 'start' of the Tribulation period. Again, for Christians to have these insights is key in God's global plan of mercy towards reaching as many lost souls as He can before the wrath of God takes place, which is the final 3 1/2 year period. [Rev.16:1].
Truly, no believer who 'misses' the rapture willl be able to say it was because of 'a lack of knowledge'. Nor be able to blame God for not giving the world's people 'enough warning'. This is what the Lord Himself meant when He warned End Time believers to "know" [in Greek: "to know & trust with deep conviction"] that "He is near, even right at the door." [Math. 24:33].
And He said, "Be on that day [the 'wrath of God' / Rev.16:1] does not come upon you suddenly like a trap; for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth [during the Great Tribulation] ......But, keep on the alert at all times, praying in order that you might have strength to escape [in the rapture] all these things that are about to take place [during the Great Tribulation] , & to stand before the Son of Man." [Luke 21:34-36].
In the final days ahead, how many more souls worldwide will be prepared, strengthened & mercifully saved by understanding vital End Time insights inlcuding the "timing" of the rapture event as shown in God's Word? How much more glory & exalting can the Lord Himself receive globally when more of His own children are found increasingly ready & standing collectively upright awaiting the 'last trumpet' while truly knowing that "He is right at the door" ? [Math.24:33].
The Coming Finale of Global Awareness...
In the vision on the small Greek Isle of Patmos, John saw ahead over the ensuing 2000 years right up to the final 7 Years in human history. This near-future 7 Year period is so vital in God's plan and for a person's eternal destiny that 15 of Revelation's 22 chapters [Chapts 6 through 20] deal exclusively with this final period. In the days ahead, the body of Christ will solidly grasp Revelation's insights & meanings as God has intended for His End Time people.
But, the Apostle John was also shown the subsequent events which follow the Tribulation period & Christ's return. He saw Christ's reign on this earth as King for 1000 years, the Great White Throne Judgement of God & then the unspeakable glories of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven.
Finally, he was shown the incredible things of eternity itself with God's children being locked-into the un-ending glories of God's presence forever. [Rev.22:3-5]. But, all of these things & events depicted in the book of Revelation specifically pertain to the "Revelation of Jesus Christ", the encompassing title of John's vision. [Rev.1:1].
As stated previously, the "Revelation of Jesus Christ" itself began in the first century as recorded in 95AD. Since then, the growing awareness of Jesus has been increasing in this world's history over the last 20 centuries exactly as scriptures predict. In fact , no other man or historical figure in all of history has been written about more than Jesus Himself. This is only 1 of countless facts today which shed light on the increasing global impact from Jesus of Nazareth's first divine appearance in Israel.
Incredibly today, 2000 years after He walked the earth, all of the world's people [including all religions, all unbelievers & every atheist] witness the amazing global acknowledgement of Him year-after-year, twice a year. His birthday [Christmas] & His death & resurrection [Easter] are honored worldwide annually by His devout believers. Even atheists must acknowledge Him as a result. No other person ever, except Jesus, upstages all other religious or historic figures, even slowing today's world economy almost to a halt year-after-year, twice a year.
But, scriptures predict this. Jesus Himself predicted it when He stated that His Name would be preached throughout the earth right up until His very return. [Math.24:14]. He was right with pinpoint accuracy. It is the ever-increasing "Revelation of Jesus Christ" to this world as John foretold.
Soon in this generation, the last 2000 years of global awareness of Christ is about to be packaged into one last grandiose spiritual explosion in these End Times as presented in this brief overview. This inevitable & eruptive worldwide awe of the person of Jesus Christ Himself is already in process globally right now & will speed up in the days ahead. Unquestionably, it will then culminate in this very generation's eternal & life-changing experience of being the actual eye-witnesses to His overwhelming & stunning return from heaven.
END>>>>>> Chapter 1: The Coming Global Spiritual Awakening
Copyright 2007 / End Time Prophetic Insight / All Rights Reserved. / US Library of Congress.