Prophetical Meat for the body of Christ / equipping saints
What the Bible says about:

According to Daniel & the book of Revelation, the final world kingdom on earth just before Christ returns will be a revived old Roman Empire.
Today, this is clearly seen in the formation of the European Union in 1957 although not yet operating in its End Time destroying power yet.
In Revelation, the Roman Empire is depicted in the symbology of the "7 heads". These "7 heads" repre- resent the 7 consecutive world kingdoms on earth (as shown below) & as proven out by the Bible and by world history itself.
Revelation 13: 1-3:
"And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having 10 horns & 7 heads......& I saw one of his heads as if had been slain, & his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was am- azed & followed after the beast."
Later in Revelation 17: 8- 13, it is confirmed that the head that "had been slain" is the 6th head or 6th world kingdom. Clearly, this is the old Roman Empire of 2000 years ago under the wicked leadership of Caesar Nero. As history shows, Rome burned to the ground in 64AD, "as if had been slain."
These passages in chapter 17 also show that it is the 6th head (the Roman empire) whose "fatal wound was healed". This is the specific detail that depicts the old Roman Empire (wounded 6th head) coming back to life as the future "7th head" of the End Times.
As stated, the EU today is clearly this 7th head & final world kingdom already in its prophetical place for the End Times. To remove all doubt about Rome being the headquarters of this final kingdom ( the 7th head ), Revelation also specifically shows that the "harlot" nature of this final kingdom "sits" on "7 mountains". (Rev. 17: 9).
Again, this is clearly depicting the origin of this final kingdom to be Rome. From 2000 years ago when John wrote Revelation & to this day, Rome has always been known as "the city of 7 hills" since Rome physically rests upon 7 mountains.
7th head EU
(a revived 6th head)
Revelation 17: 9, 10: "Here is the mind that has wisdom. The 7 heads are 7 mountains on which the woman sits (Rome), and they (7 heads) are 7 kings; 5 have fallen, one is (6th head of John's time), the other (7th head) has not yet come; & when he comes, he must remain a little while."
The Final World kingdom (a revived Roman Empire)
Today's European Union: Kingdom of Antichrist
Bible prophecy on the verge of fulfillment...
News: EU officially established in 1957
Rome's Caesar Nero
54AD - 68AD
Rome (6th head) was destroyed in 64AD, re- sulting in its appear- ance in John's vision (in 95 AD) "as if it was slain" ;
John then saw that this 6th head "was healed" & was re- stored back to life in the End Times, as the 7th head.
(Rev. 13: 3)
ITALY Taking Over Entire European Union on July 1, 2014 : Jolts POPE into End Time Position / 6/26/14