End Time prophetic insight from God's Word
False Prophet -
Mark of the Beast
*Video / 6:03 min
pinpointed at HeIsNear.com.

2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 ----- 'REVEALED'
One of the reasons people are MISLED RE: the TOPIC of 'Antichrist' is the MIS-HANDLING of Apostle Paul's usage of the word 'REVEALED' in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
In 2Thess 2 in referring to Antichrist, the Apostle Paul uses the word 'REVEALED' 3 times (same Greek word). The KEY is knowing that Paul is referring to 2 different periods of time as shown below :
THE FIRST 'REVEALING' was about 1800 years ago.
In VERSE 3, Paul addresses Antichrist's ORIGINAL REVEALING (V.3) of his IDENTITY & being INTRODUCED INTO this world FOR ALL TO RECOGNIZE HIM in physical form in the human race & world and up to this VERY DAY.
( History CLEARLY proves this TOOK PLACE in 222 AD when Urban the 1st was the FIRST EVER to be installed as the 'BISHOP of Rome' . This grew into the PAPACY over the centuries with ANTICHRIST himself identified century-after- century including by Pillars of the Christian faith like : John Calvin, WM. Tyndale, Martin Luther, Joan of Arc, King James, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Spurgeon, ETC ) ;
The SECOND period of time when Paul uses 'REVEALED' pertains to Antichrist OPERATING in his FULL END TIME ROLE during the FUTURE End Time 7 Year Tribulation period.
From VERSE 4 through 8, Paul begins POINTING AHEAD to the End Times which is confirmed when he mentions Antichrist being 'seated in the Temple' (V.4) which clearly occurs at the MID-7 YEAR point of the 7 Year Tribulation, referring to the newly-built 3rd Jerusalem Temple. (Rev 11:1,2).
Here, Paul uses the word 'REVEALED' 2 MORE TIMES ( V.6 & V.8 ) with BOTH TIMES pointing to this FUTURE END TIME PERIOD when Antichrist is 'REVEALED' ('unmasked' in Greek) as OPERATING IN his FORETOLD FINAL ROLE
( 'revealed in his appointed time' / V.6 ) during the final 3 1/2 years of the 7 Year Tribulation. At the end of his 'revealing' in FULL POWER is when : "the LORD shall destroy him....at His coming" (V.8) at Christ's physical return.
S U M M A R Y :
In KNOWING this accurate teaching of GOD's anointed Word, then it's CRYSTALLIZED that : 1) the clear IDENTITY of Antichrist has been ALREADY 'REVEALED' about 1800 years ago as the POPES of Rome, 2) the FALSE TEACHING that : "No one knows who Antichrist is since his identity won't be revealed until the future" is a monstrous ERROR by FALSE TEACHERS which has blinded untold millions.
#1 Most Exalted Man Today - as foretold -
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100% PROOF Pope Francis is ANTICHRIST
A N T I C H R I S T ------ 'REVEALED'
GOD is now OPENING EYES of His people to 'see' Antichrist TODAY even though top TV prophecy authors and 'experts' are STILL UNANIMOUSLY STUMPED about who he is. [Matthew 24:33 / Daniel 11:33]
The FALSE TEACHING still spewing from False Bible Prophecy 'experts' today is that : "Antichrist won't be REVEALED until at some point in the future. So today, no one knows who he is."
To the CONTRARY, GOD's Word provides vast amounts of information regarding the topic of 'Antichrist' including IDENTIFYING him as one-and-the-same as Revelation's FALSE PROPHET, BOTH terms ('antichrist' & 'false prophet') being SYNONYMOUS & pointing to the SAME MAN : the POPES of Rome. IN FACT, Revelation states that it's the 'WISDOM' of GOD to recognize his identity. (Rev 13:18)
Plus, as Apostle Paul's writings below confirm, the true IDENTITY of Antichrist has ALREADY BEEN 'REVEALED' about 1800 years ago beginning in 222 AD as history proves.
ANTICHRIST 'Guessing-Game' Ends Here (Key VIDS, books) >>
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