Since the early 1980's, God has been war-ning His beloved United States of our sins & our wicked ways that oppose God. In 1980, God gave Americans His bond-servant & Christian President Ronald Reagan who repeat- edly warned Americans by reading from God's Word his "favorite passage", 2 Chronicles 7:14.
For 8 years, God spoke over & over to Americans through Ronald Reagan, His servant:
"And IF......My people who are called by My name humble themselves & pray, & seek My face & turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin, & will heal their land." (2Chronicles 7:13,14).
Amazingly, America's blind 5-Fold Ministers, TV Preachers and so-called 'prophets' only recog- nized, at best, that "Wow, isn't this wonderful ! Our President quotes the Bible !". However, as I have emphasized, Reagan's words were far greater than just 'quoting Bible scriptures'. In fact, President Reagan was literally prophesying the heart of God to this country. Sadly, his words fell on deaf ears in America.
But, since the 80's, the United States HAS NOT "humbled ourselves" & we HAVE NOT "turned from our wicked ways". The USA still murders over 1 million unborn babies yearly on top of the over 40 million babies already killed since Roe vs. Wade became law. "God" has become an illegal topic in our nation's schools, homosex- uality is widely accepted & rampant, etc.
"But if you turn away & forsake My statutes & My commandments which I have set before you & shall go & serve other gods & worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, & this house which I have con- secrated for My name I will cast out of My sight, & I will make it a proverb & a byword among all peoples. (2 Chronicles 7:19-22).
Therefore, to an unrepentant country, God says:
So far today, God has not yet "uprooted" or "cast out of His sight" the USA, but His war- ings upon the USA have clearly begun. God is always slow to judge & to anger, but the USA is running out of time to repent. Katrina & Rita are 2 more loud wake-up calls to the USA to repent of the killing of unborn babies, blatant immoralitites like homosexuality & pornography, & of the outright forsaking of God & prayer in Supreme Court decisions.
President Ronald Reagan
God's Christian Servant
[at White House /
October 1984]
100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness
[ In Jesus' own words /
2 Min VID ]
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