Prophetically for the United States, more birth pangs will hit the USA bringing more fear & economic collapse in order to bring the USA to our knees until America REPENTS once & for all, for all of our continual abominations before Him like aborting millions of babies, flagrant homosexuality, pornography & corruption & immorality in our lawmakers & society.
God's next move will NOT be "prosperity to the USA" as is commonly heard within the body of Christ in the USA. But, the United States will continue to suffer even more severe birth pangs (earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, man- made fixtures breaking with disasterous effects. ie. dams, bridges, buildings collapsing).
Why? To bring the USA to REPENTANCE FROM OUR WICKED WAYS. (2 Chron. 7:14). The next birth pangs will be more violent & frequent than these last 2 wake- up calls (hurricanes Katrina & Rita), unless we REPENT. Why would God dump great "prosperity" into the pockets of a lukewarm & unrepentant country who murders babies & advocates homosexuality & pornography amongst our-selves & corrupts our children ?
REPENT! Turn from your wicked ways! Humble your- elves in My sight so that additional warnings will not come & so that you will not be uprooted as a nation.
This is God's prophetical voice to His people in the United States today. Then, when America as a whole has truly Repented! then we will see the new, fresh anointing upon this land as He pours out an awesome purging fire throughout His people. Then, America will be used even more powerfully than in our past days to bring the Gospel to the remotest ends of the earth before the return of our Lord Jesus. Then, when we've turned from our wicked ways will God's people in the USA truly become the readied Bride of Christ, spotless, blameless & holy in God's sight, in preparation to meet Christ Jesus face to face. (Eph.5:27).
God is calling the United States to finally take heed to God's word which was spoken prophetically for 8 years ('80 - '88) by God's servant President Ronald Reagan who repeatedly prophesied to all Americans in this country:
"And if My people who are called by My Name humble themselves & pray, & seek My face, & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, I will forgive their sins, & I will heal their land." [2 Chron.7:14]
end of rhema prophecy >>>>> posted: October 4, 2005 / Rob Conrad
But, What is God saying to our nation ?
Sept 11, 2008: Divine Critical Call to America
Sept 22, 2008: Repeated Divine Warnings to USA
July 21, 2008: Divine Act of God Upon America
October 4, 2005: Divine Warnings to America to Return to God
America's Future posted on:
Oct 21, 2005: Katrina-Rita: Divine Wake-Up Call to America
Nov 21, 2007: Specific Forewarnings for USA and Globally for 2008
Oct 2, 2008: America's Time to Finally Repent
Oct 26, 2008: America's and Global Economic Crash will continue
*this page (mid-section) originally posted: Oct 4, 2005
June 7, 2007: America's Future, prophetical overview
Thank You President Bush :
For your Integrity and public service as our 43rd President,
For protecting our country from any other attacks since 9/11/2001 ,
For forming an unprecedented and historic solid global coalition still strong today against global terrorism ,
For installing 2 Supreme Court Judges against abortion,
For stopping S. Hussein from murdering [like Hitler] another potential millions of innocent Iraqi people ,
For your true and loyal support of America's brave military men and women ,
For your unwavering and bold support of Israel ,
For your faith in God and constant and bold public acknowledgement of Him ,
And for your continued strength and confidence and grace in the face of the most vengeful and deceitful display against an American President in our nation's history from the media, hateful Americans and other anti-God extremists and agitators.
May God bless you and your loved ones in your new life outside of public service as our President.
Rob Conrad / Jan 18, 2009

Pres George W. Bush
2000 - 2008
Dec 28, 2009: Prophecy re: 2010 - 2011
America's Future --
God's Call to America
Feb 10, 2010 -
Rob Conrad - Prophecy
[ Video / 10 min ]
Related Links - prophecies added
"America's economy is irreversible...; NO Debt..."
March 12, 2010: "America's Current Humbled State in 2010"
*Subsequent Prophecies added to this page
June 11, 2010: "Coming Globally and to America"
November 2, 2010: "AMERICA'S FUTURE" in today's End Times
Oil hits 2-Year High
with NO Peak in Sight - Maybe $200
a barrel coming
[ "Prices will continue to rise
until the Mark of the Beast is fulfilled in this generation ..." ~Rob C. / Nov 2007 ]
United Nations warns of potential
Food Price Shock / World Prices already above 2008 Peak
U.S. Banks Repossess
1 Million homes
in 2010 / 2011 looks to be WORSE
U.S. unemployment
rate really near
22% - looks worse
for 2011
2011 Headlines:
"Americans face woes from the stock market and the economic system, poised now for potentially the biggest collapse in U.S. history." (came
to pass not even 10 months later in Sept '08 and still today, with no end in sight ...)
Oct 26, 2008 / Rob Conrad / Prophecy
"America will NOT recover; ....IRREVERS- IBLE economy, banks will close, fast-expand- ing unemployment coming..." (still coming to pass ... & to this day)
January 15, 2011: More Economic GLOOM for America WHY ?
As of Nov 5, 2010 BANK CLOSURES for 2010 surpassed 2009's total
Current U.S. Unemployment Rate: DOUBLED
since Recession began in 2007 - still near 10%
Prophecies about USA / sent from Rob Conrad
[ most recent first ]
"Another (a 2nd, since Sept '08) Economic DOWNTURN is coming to America .... "
DIVINE WARNINGS to U.S. GOVT Leaders & Lawmakers:
Tues / Aug 23, 2011 / prophetic word
"Today's 5.8 Earthquake in Washington DC & the East Coast is A SPECIFIC Divine Warning [again] to U.S. GOVT. Leaders & Lawmakers across the nation (and the nation itself) to REPENT from our evil deeds; And to RETURN to God. Worsening Birth Pangs are coming." ~Rob Conrad [ NEWS / Birth Pangs > ]
"NEW YORK has now suddenly spotlighted itself for the coming tangible divine judge- ment of God to fall upon the city & state because of its legal ruling [June 24, 2011] allowing homosexual marriages."
Worst Rains - Flooding in 116
Years in New York
Once-a-Century 5.8 Earthquake Rattles East Coast (Worst since 1897)
Washington Monument Damaged from Rare 5.8 Earthquake
New York, E. Coast, Washington DC / NEWS :
Oct 4, 2005 / Prophetic word Rob Conrad, ~founder Heisnear.com
100% PROOF
of Christ's Nearness________
2 min VIDEO / Heisnear.com
Aug 28, 2011 / News
New York & E. Coast
"God looks at the earth, and it trembles." (Psalms 104:32)
Aug 29, 2011 / prophetic word ~Rob Conrad
The "Tangible Judgement Coming Upon NEW YORK" [prophecy 6/25/11] did not come-and-go or 'end' with Hurricane IRENE on August 28th. It still remains.
Other prophecies / LINKS ADDED
"TODAY, the whole world [including the USA] is NOW in a final IRREVERSIBLE mode of submitting to the European Union ....". [ Oct 26, 2008 > *original prophetic word coming to pass; states why... ]
"It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible."
Historic Snow Storm smashes New York, Massachussetts, East Coast [ rarest storm in 200 years leaves millions without power, deaths ]
Rarest October snowstorm in 2 centuries hammers New York, N.E. USA
60 days after AUG 29 prophecy:
Began coming to pass
50 days after JUNE 25 prophecy:
Historic, Rarest Snowstorm in 200 years smashes New York, Mass. and E. Coast [ millions with- out power, deaths ]
Dec 8, 2011 / Prophetic word
God's Call to His people in AMERICA >>
Jan 21, 2012 / Prophetic word
2012 Ahead .... [ "America is in trouble." ] >>
What's coming to
the Body of Christ in America .....
"Coming HURRICANE SANDY is NEXT TANGIBLE SIGN to USA W. House, GOVT Lawmakers, New York & Wash DC for their continued REBEL- LIONS & ABOMINATIONS before God; and for laws which kill babies, legalize same-sex marriages, etc... ;
Judgment on N.Y. "still remains..." / [ *Aug 29, 2011 / prophetic word / below ] . " ~Rob Conrad
Oct 26, 2012 / YouTube prophetic word 3 days in advance of H. SANDY
AFTERMATH of Super Storm Hurricane
Sandy :
"may be worst storm ever" --- N. Y. Mayor Bloomberg
"WORSE" Judgments coming to U.S. Govt Leaders & America ( Which Leaders, cities, states & 'WHY?' are ID'd )
Oct 24, 2012 / VIDEO
100% PROOF Obama Re- Election Matches spirit of ANTICHRIST
Prophetic word 12 days
before Pres Election NOV 6th
1 day after Pres Obama Re-Election
[ July 4, 2013 / prophetic word ]
End Time AMERICA :
2013, 2014
Radical UPRISING 2014 :
USA's 'NATION within a nation'
[ Dec 24, 2013 / prophetic word ]
End Time AMERICA :
2013, 2014
End Time America: RED CARPET for Antichrist
posted on JAN 3, 2017 @ www.twitter.com/_RobConrad