During his years in office, President George W. Bush has operated very powerfully in these prophetical days & EndTimesperforming numerous actions of great faith & courage.
For example, President Bush installed Supreme Court Judges who conceivably could cause the reversal of the abomina- tion of legal abortion in America.
The sins of America are great, but the legal [since "Roe vs. Wade"] genocide of over 40 million babies in their mothers' wombs is at the top of the list of abominations before God in all of world history.
But, when given the sudden opportunity to fill the vacan- cies in the Supreme Court in order to overturn this abom- ination, President Bush took action based in his deep convictions in God, the Bible & Psalms Chapter 139 which identifies the "forming" of a baby from conception by God Himself.
President Bush also operated powerfully in these propheti- cal End Times when he forced the opening of the spiritual "door" in the Middle East for Iraqi people to openly accept freedom, democracy & even Christianity as their religion for the 1st time in decades (even centuries) of spiritual bondage as Muslims.
This huge action of courage & boldness on the President's part shows how close this generation is with the "start" of the final 7 year Tribulation period. This is because scrip- tures show that just after the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation period [ which is imminent right now ], then God Himself will completely "release" the 4 angels [of God] which have been bound at the Euphrates river. [Rev.9:14].
This near-future End Time event [Rev.9:14] will "swing the door wide open" in the Iraqi - Iranian region for a mas- sive outpouring of God's Spirit. The awesome result will be millions of Muslims experiencing salvation in Christ Jesus, the Son of God, although great bloodshed will also occur in this region at that same time. [graph below].
President Bush's action of dethroning Saddam Hussein was a spiritual act which began the "piercing-through" in the Mideast region of the "Euphrates river" & which is work- ing in perfect conjunction with God's written plan for the upcoming End Time salvations in the Mideast.